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chris kaman中文是什么意思

用"chris kaman"造句"chris kaman"怎么读"chris kaman" in a sentence


  • 克里斯卡曼


  • Chris kaman had 18 points and 16 rebounds for the clippers , collecting another double - double . but he shot only six of 19 from the field
  • Andrew bynum gets another test tonight when he goes against clippers center chris kaman , who is averaging 18 . 6 points and 13 . 8 rebounds in his fifth nba season
    今晚拜纳姆还要接受另一个人的考验,那就是快船中锋克里斯?卡曼,在他的第五个nba赛季场均得到18 . 6分和13 . 8个篮板。
  • A new day seemed at hand in the spring of 2006 when they led phoenix , 3 - 1 , in the second round before the suns rallied , shaun livingston was hurt , chris kaman disappeared , and as if to answer the question , " what else could happen ?
    在2006年春太阳很没重整旗鼓,快船第二轮3 : 1领先,一切看起来非常美好,但是利文斯顿受伤了,卡曼消失了,这么貌似可以回答这个问题“还要发生什么了? ”
用"chris kaman"造句  
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